Types of account

EVER Wallet supports the creation of several types of account, which differ in the specifics of their work:

  • EVER wallet - small contract with one custodian. Deploys automatically.

  • SafeMultisig - formally verified Multisig wallet.

  • SafeMultisig24 - with a SafeMultisig wallet custodian confirmations take up to 1 hour, with a SafeMultisig24 it will take up to 24 hours. If the required number of signatures is not reached by the time limit, the transaction will be nullified.

  • SetCodeMultisigWallet - Multisig wallet with the possibility to change codes and custodians.

  • BridgeMultisigWallet - this kind of wallet differs from SafeMultisig because it does not have payload limits.

  • Surf - Technically, this kind of wallet is the same as SetCodeMultisig. You should use this kind of wallet to import your Ever Surf wallet.

  • WalletV3 - this is a small and simple contract that allows you to deploy your wallet at the same time as you make a transfer and has a 24-word seed phrase.

  • HighloadWalletV2 - small legacy contract with one custodian and advanced replay protection. Deploys automatically.

Last updated