EVER Wallet App

Ever Wallet allows you to display multiple account cards in your wallet and quickly switch between them. For example, it could be your main account and a multisignature wallet.

Add account

Create a new account

  1. In the Wallet section, swipe the account card to the left to open the Add new account section

  2. Select Add a new account

  3. Choose a name for your account

  4. Select the type of account you want to create and click Confirm

Done! Your new account has been successfully created and its card has been added to the Wallet section.

If the type of account created requires it, proceed with its deployment.

Add existing account

  1. In the Wallet section, swipe the account card to the left to open the Add new account section.

  2. Click Add existing account

  3. Enter the address of the account you want to add and choose a name for it. Then click Confirm

Done! The account card has been added to the Wallet.

Manage account

Accounts can be managed in two ways:

  1. In the Wallet section

  2. In the Manage seeds & accounts section

In the first case, you just need to tap on the three dots in the upper right part of the account card you are interested in:

  • Preferences - in this menu you can rename the account, copy the wallet address and QR code, and open the account page in the blockchain explorer.

  • Custodians - this menu displays a list of custodians in your multisig wallet.

  • Remove account - by clicking, you can remove the account from the displayed ones.

In the second case, you will need to:

  1. Go to Profile

  2. Go to Manage seeds & accounts

  3. Select the seed and then the key where the account you need is located

There you will find a list of all the accounts linked to this key. You can manage the account by clicking on the three dots of the account you need.

Also note that you can add a new account in this menu.

Last updated